Migration notes

Moving from 1.X to 2.X

This new release is a complete rewrite of the plugin, and introduces different workflow and breaking changes. Is therefore suggested, as minimum, to cleanup the project from any custom ftrack tag, and remove any previously saved task and processor presets users might have been saving. Is prefereable though to create a new project from scratch so no old settings and hidden tags are retained.

Custom Processors

With this new integration we have been moving away from separated processors and task logic and we now rely on the natural Nuke Studio / Hiero ones. If you had any custom processor written for the previous version, it is suggested to see at first if the customisation of the settings of the new default ftrack tasks and processors is enough.

Moving to the new API

The Connect nuke studio integration has changed to use the ftrack-python-api instead of the legacy api. Since custom locations are not compatible between the different APIs all users running from source with custom locations for the legacy api must either:

  1. Use the Location compatibility layer by putting it’s resource folder on the FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH.

  2. Or, re-write the location using the ftrack-python-api.

for more information about the migration process please look at the main ftrack-connect `Documentation <http://ftrack-connect.rtd.ftrack.com/en/latest/release/migration.html>